Sunday, October 10, 2010

Janet's Birthday Weekend - Part 6 Outdoors

This is a Guard Rail - the old fashion kind
They keep you from going over the edge and crashing.
This is a Seagull on a Guard Rail.
This is a HUGE piece of driftwood on the beach...
Now, go somewhere in your happy space and make a beach Haiku and send it along. This could be fun. Heck, the seagull just might be the original Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Or Not. But who is to say. We had fun driving down the beach highway this morning and stopping along the way. We did not crash into any guard rails, they worked! We drove as far south as Manzaneta. And then back again. Yes, I just may have been at the beach a tad too long, I am getting all Mother Earth and thing you know I will want to sage the room and eat tofu for breakfast. That is not going to happen. I am just having a mellow evening and oh wait until the next installment.

1 comment:

  1. I think I hit that "Mother Earth" space as I purchased a bag that was made from 14 plastic bottles....and yet, it won't hold a drop of liquid. Imagine that?
