Saturday, February 9, 2013

G.I.Joe, Volleyball and Amazon Too!

About now you are wondering what the heck does the subject of today's post has to do with the price of tea in China or perhaps has Chris begun Happy Hour a little too soon!  It is neither.  I happen to read a friend's blog and happen to see that this day in history G.I.Joe was created in 1964 and that volleyball was invented in Massachusetts in 1894.  And yes, how Amazon fits in is that I just went down to the office to get my order only to find that amazon did not put the items all together in one box - that would be too easy.

No in one box is aspirin as my doctor has taken me off Warfarin and instructed me to take a 325mg aspirin each day.  Also, every one's favorite friend Metamucil.  In the other box was a container of protein powder.  It just amazes me that you can find just about anything at Amazon and with Prime membership it all gets delivered within two days.  At the same time, they have a food delivery side to their business called Amazon fresh and it has been a delight to use over the past couple of years.  Later last year they began adding "speciality" vendors to their offering.  It was not really much until after the first of the year and in the end, they have dropped a lot of the usual groceries in order to promote the speciality shops and that is making it more and more likely that I will not be shopping them much longer.
Speaking of food, here is a picture of how my "pasta-less" lasagna turned out.  Not the best, nor not the worst.  I think I shall rack it up to gave it a try and now we will move on.  It will be dinner this evening as well.  I was able to enjoy a breakfast of cheesy eggs this morning with a few cups of coffee.  I guess I will just let lunch happen as it will.  As I texted Janet, my sister, this morning, I got all my chores out of the way early and so the day will be one of watching some of the storm coverage - which I guess The Weather Channel has decided to call winter storm Nemo - and get some reading done.  Why do I have a feeling a nap will also be part of the day?  But with the overcast outside, it is a great day to just push the pause button and let the day be.

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