Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Day of Chores

With the New Year under way and moving less than three months away, it is time to start packing up the closets and weeding out stuff that has piled up for 7 years.  Cannot believe I have been in Seattle that long and now I will be moving to another part of town to gain a different perspective.  I awoke at 4:15am this day and hit the ground running.

Garbage and recycling was followed by loads of laundry and dishes.  The basics done it was time for breakfast of oatmeal and coffee.  Enjoyed reading the NYTimes as it will soon be a memory.  With the price going to nearly $70 a month it is time to let it go.  I still might treat myself to the Sunday edition from time to time.  Likewise, I released my subscription to The New Yorker this past week.  Again, the price had gone just too high at over $100 for the coming year.  There is a breaking point and they have reached it.  Much like the building where I am living now, they are raising the rent just too much, it has become cheaper to move than to stay.

More sorting and getting the big closet in shape and making a huge shift in that when I got out of the hospital last year, my clothes were moved to the hall closet for easier access.  Well, that all shifted back to the large closet this day.  A real marker of life getting back to normal.  I have multiple bags, boxes, etc. ready to go to Goodwill this week.  It is refreshing to let go and release.  Pausing for a light lunch of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup I was back at it after a quick nap.  Yes, I do believe in blending work and pleasure.

By 5pm it was time to wind down and enjoy reading and some news.  As I write this a favorite dinner is cooking away.  A bed of asparagus with Alfredo sauce and on top are two chicken breast.  Cook for about 30 minutes and then poof, a delightful dinner.  Rick Steve's Europe is on PBS as I know I will likely watch a movie tonight.  But it will be to bed early as tomorrow I host a 12th Day of Christmas Brunch and so will need to be up early to get it ready.  For now - Cheers!

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