Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!

Hello and I want to wish all who are stopping by a very Happy New Year!  What a difference a year makes.  Last year I was dealing with some pretty severe health issues and today I sit here looking back and counting my blessings and thanking all the angels who made my recovery such a success.  The blog took a back seat for a while as the fall saw me have several things happen that turned my world upside down.  One significant thing has to be meeting Damon in Chicago back in September.  He is a delight and makes me laugh and smile a lot.  While he does live in Texas and I am in Washington we are able to see each other about once a month.  I do like having the time with him and at the same time having my own time to keep moving forward.

Some health issues arose and addressed and we are back on track and that is a good thing.  Did get hit with that evil flu bug that just flew through our office and thought I had escaped it only for it to take me down on my 53rd birthday.  Did not stop the party, but boy did I pay for it the next three days.  Damon was up visiting and was an amazing nurse maid.  He returns in 10 days for another visit and we will be heading down to Portland so I can show him some of the things I love about the City of Roses.

This day marks my re-commitment to the blog and also a new chapter in letting go as I continue to clean out the closets and donating a lot of stuff that I have not touched in my 7 years of living here at the Uwajimaya Apartments.  Alas, that will be coming to an end at the end of March as the management decided to do an obscene rent increase and parking almost doubled.  It is just insane.  When you make it cheaper to move than to stay, you loose people.

And how could this first day of the new year not see yet another edition of the Tournament of Roses Parade.  I watched the 124th annual event and was amused at how interactive it was with some of the highlights being a parade waiving Jesus at the pearly gates which was just odd.  The wedding that happened right on the float from Farmer's Insurance and the float where the service man totally surprised his wife and son in front of the billions of people watching at home and the hundreds of thousands live along the parade route.  I did notice the bottle of champagne within arm's reach to use to celebrate once the wedding was done.  Happy New Year indeed.

Thus, it is good to be back and we shall see how it goes.  I am planning to look back and get some old postings done to share and will reference them as they happen.  Work is changing a lot too and will update as I get more confirmed items that should begin starting tomorrow, but for tonight it is off to enjoy a second shrimp cocktail as I had made so much I could not enjoy it all last night.  Be well and all the best in 2013.

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