Tuesday, March 19, 2013

24 Hours Can Change a Life

Tim flies out from Boston and we pick up as if no time has passed and have an enjoyable evening. He heads back to hotel and that SHOULD be the end of the story...but it is not. No, that would be way too easy. No, it first starts out with an exchange of text messages sharing from both of our perspectives that it was really good seeing each other and that it was making for staying focused on work quite difficult. OK, nice follow up...let's move on.

Then tonight I get text from him at the airport. There had been a security breach and it was a big hot mess at the airport and he might be stuck here in the city for a night. It was all over the news about the airport and so it was real. We worked it out if his flight was canceled he could crash at my place for the night. Well, in the end he made his flight, although like two hours late. Bittersweet, but that is not the end, no that would be too easy. We texted for a while and then as my fingers grew tired I said why not just talk. So we did.

Conversation was going along just fine and then it happened...the ball was dropped. I so did not see it coming nor even had given it a thought. Tim asks...would I ever consider working in Boston! WTF?! He shared that he had been giving it a lot of thought since we had decided to meet up and he knows what I do and his company is expanding and will be looking for someone to head up the events department. OMG! This is way too fast and so not expected. I just signed a new lease! After getting the jaw off the floor we talked further and this needs to be thought out at oh so many levels.

Can you see I am in a daze at this point? NEVER, ever thought I would even consider working on the east coast again. Yes, there is the personal interest level between us and we see that what we once had is now at some completely different level. It was suppose to be a hello, have a cocktail and let's move on! What the hell has happened?! I think that I am just stunned right now. There needs to be several discussions and a whole lot of thinking to be done. It has all happened so fast and yet it is quite exciting. At various levels of consideration is Mom and her issues. There is also the whole move - who pays? Breaking a lease is not cheap. Insurance and the whole preexisting thing that does not kick in until October under Obamacare. There is Damon to consider.  Then there is the whole working at the same company as Tim and how that impacts our friendship. And then there is the possible option of being based in San Francisco which is their west coast headquarters.  All I can say is stay tuned!

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