Sunday, March 17, 2013

Did You Wear Green Today?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hello there I hope you all are celebrating in the way that best fits you.  Spring does make it's appearance this week. I believe for us on the Pacific time it is 4:02AM on Wednesday. Really, before the sun rises, that is not right. But then, the sun did finally come out here this fine day. It was in hiding all morning.  It was a delight to throw open the windows and air out the place. Later this evening I will enjoy watching "The Amazing Race" and texting my sister throughout the show.

The weekend proved to be a bit more challenging than planned. Friday kicked off with the website going down for a while and that was not a good thing. Trying to find Mark as he was the only one who had passwords, etc. to get it fixed. That got up and running by 9pm. Crashed around 10pm and was just getting into good sleep when the phone rang at 12:10AM. That means one of two things. Someone has butt dialed you by mistake or there is something wrong. Yes, it was the latter. We had a party boat on Lake Washington to kick off St. Patrick's Day weekend and a guest of a member assaulted not one, but two members. She's Asian and tried to use lack of English to get around police at the dock. Little did she know we had requested a translator when we called the police to meet up at the dock. Upon seeing this, she was suddenly able to speak English and was not a happy camper. Then there is the little issue of two IDs - same picture and two different names.  It just gets to be too funny sometimes.

Well, it took until about 3:30 or so to get back to bed, but no problem, did not have to be anywhere Saturday morning. It was quite overcast, but there was a sliver of space right at the top of the mountains where the sun lazered in at just past seven getting me in the eye! Not fair. So the day proved to be a washout. Took a couple of naps, packed a few boxes and was an amoeba for most of the day. Did not even leave the apartment at all.

The social extravaganza is actually going to be this next weekend as I am hosting a dinner party on Friday. Saturday Helene arrives from Vancouver and we are having an early dinner at Shanghai Gardens and the my friend Justin is stopping by Saturday or Sunday for a visit. Moonsong cleans on Sunday as well. Damon arrives on Tuesday of next week. So I am glad to have had this weekend as a quiet one and especially on Saturday when the Sounders played Portland - it was the last soccer game played while I live there. Alas, no more major sporting events to be had until after I am gone!

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