Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday Potpourri

You know, I so enjoyed cold shrimp on cole slaw as a cold salad  last night and then strawberries on the side which were lovely. This morning I had fresh blueberries with yogurt. I do enjoy fresh fruit, but just not mixed in or cooked.  I was laughing at that thought knowing that at some point my sister will read this and think the same thing as she learns more and more of my food quirks.

 Last night I watched the 250th episode of "Inside the Actor's Studio" which airs on Bravo. It has been running 19 years and I like how the people who come on the show are not there to promote their latest product, but rather to just talk and interact with the audience. Have you ever seen it?  It was a wonderful compilation of interviews from the present and then clips of past shows.  The most favored episode to date by viewer's choice was Robin Williams and it was no surprise by the various clips they showed.  He is quite funny!

Damon returns on July 1st and that will be for two weeks. He does make me laugh and smile a lot. Yes, I do love him and yet I so value my alone time. We are now discussing a rather unique living arrangement. One of room mate + in that he might move his base up here to Seattle and we would secure a two bedroom (perhaps with a den) and I would continue to pay what I do and he would pay the difference. Additionally he would pay 1/2 utilities. He would then have his room to go computer crazy and by living here he would be centrally based with Alaska Air here and be able to get to LA, Burbank, Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Phoenix and even Austin non-stop. It would be a trial for like a year to see how it goes as he knows he wants out of Austin. But, there is the interview call next Tuesday and we shall see how that goes.  We literally have only tossed the idea out there and who knows if it will stick.

Since I am now settled in the apartment it was time to get the balcony in order. Went on to Amazon and found a great grill and cover plus two parson-style chairs. They will be delivered on Saturday. Quite excited about it. Will be fun to be able to come home and grill and not have to worry about heating up the whole apartment. I do not like doing that during the summer months.

Moonsong cleans today and I always love going home to a clean apartment. There are still a few things to put up on the walls, but that should be done and done by the end of the weekend. This week has been one of domestic duties and trying to get the kitchen shook down to work better for me. It is funny how you rush to unpack and then realize that how it is laid out does not work. Not doing anything dramatic, but moving spices from one side of the oven to the other and some dishes around to make it more usable.

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